Tuesday 31 May 2011

Frozen Chocolate-Covered Banana Popsicles!

Alright, so summer is finally here; thus, it is time for healthy-ish summer snacks.  The best snack during the summer months is definitely fruit, but if you get all watermelon, cantaloupe, and honey-dewed out then here’s a nice cool treat you can try.
Coconut Oil
Popsicle Sticks/Stir Sticks

-Melt ¾ chocolate to ¼ coconut oil via double boiler method...
-Peel bananas then put a popsicle stick in it (you can also cut the banana in half if wanted)
-Either dip banana in the chocolate or drizzle chocolate over the banana
                -At this point you could sprinkle the chocolate with shredded coconut (or sprinkles so the kiddies think it’s cool).
-Lay the bananas down on a baking sheet and pop it in the freezer for an hour.
-Don’t try to lift the banana from the sheet by the stick – you’ll probably just crack your frozen banana, instead gently scrape the chocolate on the sheet around the banana until it is no longer stuck, or let it thaw for a few minutes then remove from the sheet.

These are definitely healthier than those freeze-ez or popsicles that are LOADED with sugar, and a tad more filling! They were a hit in my house, gobbled down as soon as they came out of the freezer.


Saturday 28 May 2011

DIY Citrus Spray Deodorant

Now that summer is here, I can't carry around my coconut oil based deodorant because it's too warm out for the coconut oil to stay solid. So, this is my solution. Spray on deodorant that I can carry around to refresh my pits as needed.

So here it is, homemade spray on deodorant. Yes, I am knocking off Weleda Citrus Spray on deodorant. I love the stuff, but it's a bit pricey and this recipe comes pretty close.


2/3 Cup of Vodka (or Gin)
1/3 Cup of Water
Approx. 30 drops of Essential Oils (lemon, lime, orange, bergamot, whatever you like)
Glass bottle with spray pump


-Pour vodka into bottle.
-Add essential oils (I put 12 drops of lemon, 12 of lime, 4 of bergamot, 2 of orange)
-Shake to mix oil into alcohol.
-Add water (*N.B. This ingredient is to 'water down' the alcohol. If you find that this recipe is not strong enough for you, just use straight alcohol without the water.)
-Shake bottle before each use as some of the oils will not have mixed into the alcohol.

This recipe works because the alcohol kills the bacteria which is what causes the odour, and the essential oils give your pits a non-pitty smell (and the oils are also anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, etc...).

Like the original (Weleda), this might not last all day if you're sweaty like me, or out gardening, or running around all day in the sun during the summer months, but it's cheap enough to make that you shouldn't mind using it as often as needed. I plan to use the coconut oil in the mornings before I leave the house, and carry this spray on deodorant as a backup!

Happy spraying!

Friday 20 May 2011

Chocolate Covered ... Anything

Everything tastes better when covered in chocolate, right? So why not make your own chocolate covered treats.

Get some delicious (organic) dark chocolate... toss it along with some coconut oil into a pyrex measuring cup in a pot of boiling water and stir. The amount of coconut oil you add seems to change with the type of chocolate and how dark the chocolate is... on average try 1.5 Tbsps to one normal sized chocolate bar.

Melt this down, and then either dip strawberries, bananas, etc into the chocolate or drizzle the chocolate over your fruit... with this you can easily make
-chocolate covered strawberries
-chocolate covered bananas
-chocolate covered any dried fruit (raisins, cranberries, blueberries, cherries)

Once you've covered whatever it is you're making in chocolate put it in the fridge for the chocolate to harden and voila!

If you love all things coconut, and I do, then you can also make a healthier, knock off version of a bounty bar...

-make simple syrup (equal parts of raw sugar and water over heat)
-add shredded unsweetened coconut until 95% of the sugar is absorbed
-let cool a bit
(If you have molds to pour into this would help though I managed without)
-scoop out a tablespoon of coconut and place on a plate, drizzle chocolate over
-optionally add an almond on top
-Pop it into the fridge for the chocolate to harden and voila!

Friday 6 May 2011

Easy and Delicious Mixed Fruit Jam Recipe

Shared By: Visions of Utopia - Relish Yo’ Mama (www.relishyomama.org)

Embarking on a mission to “Preserve to Conserve,” the staff at Visions of Utopia thought it best to give jam making a try. We followed some general guidelines given by the Fallen Fruit Collective for their Public Fruit Jam and the instructions on the Bernardin pectin package. The goal of the Public Fruit Jam is to bring people together to create good food through sustainable practices, and foster a sense of community. We certainly had a great time! With no set recipe, just a mixture of fruit brought by different people, here is what we created.

-2 cups mixed berries (we used frozen)
-1½ cups mango
-1½ cups apple
-1 package powdered pectin
-7 cups sugar
-¼ cup lemon juice
-1 tsp lemon zest


-Peel apples and mangoes and cut into small pieces
-In a bowl pour lemon juice and zest onto fruit and stir, then let stand for 1 minute.
-Using a potato masher or back of ladle gently mash fruit.
-Place fruit, lemon juice, zest and pectin into pot and bring to boil over medium-high heat
-Gradually add sugar, making sure that it dissolves
-After all the sugar has been added, bring to boil again, stirring constantly and rapidly boil for 1 minute.
-Pour into sterilized jars and process for 10 minutes in a hot-water bath

Yield: approx. 8 cups

You can check out www.relishyomama.org for more awesome jam and relish recipes. You can also add your own and share the wealth!

Sunday 1 May 2011

DIY Coconut Exfoliator


The easiest and most rustic approach to a DIY exfoliator would be to use (used) coffee grounds to exfoliate, and let me tell you - it works amazing!!
You can take a tablespoon of grounds (and maybe some brown sugar too) to the shower with you and use it to exfoliate your face and body, you could also add it into your normal facial cleanser. The oils from the coffee leave you feeling soft and smooth...and yes, even after brewing there are still oils and benefits in those grounds (also good to add into soil for your plants!). And if you grind your own coffee you can get finer or coarser textures to work with (or just stick with whatever your coffee filter dictates!). 

If you want something a bit more luxurious that will moisturize while you exfoliate, give the following a try.


-4 Tablespoons of Coconut Oil
-2.5 Tablespoons of Shredded Coconut
-2 Tablespoons of Raw Sugar
-1 Teaspoon of Sweet Almond Oil
-1 Teaspoon of fine sea salt
-1 teaspoon of coarse sea salt
-Essential Oils
-I put 3 drops of lime, 3 drops of orange and 2 drops of bergamot.


-Mix all ingredients together.
-If your coconut oil is too hard/cold, mix with your hands or gently heat in a pot on the stove.
-If heating is necessary add the sugar and salt once the coconut oil has begun to resolidify (or else the sugar and salt with dissolve and lose its coarseness and ability to exfoliate) and mix well.