Saturday, 28 May 2011

DIY Citrus Spray Deodorant

Now that summer is here, I can't carry around my coconut oil based deodorant because it's too warm out for the coconut oil to stay solid. So, this is my solution. Spray on deodorant that I can carry around to refresh my pits as needed.

So here it is, homemade spray on deodorant. Yes, I am knocking off Weleda Citrus Spray on deodorant. I love the stuff, but it's a bit pricey and this recipe comes pretty close.


2/3 Cup of Vodka (or Gin)
1/3 Cup of Water
Approx. 30 drops of Essential Oils (lemon, lime, orange, bergamot, whatever you like)
Glass bottle with spray pump


-Pour vodka into bottle.
-Add essential oils (I put 12 drops of lemon, 12 of lime, 4 of bergamot, 2 of orange)
-Shake to mix oil into alcohol.
-Add water (*N.B. This ingredient is to 'water down' the alcohol. If you find that this recipe is not strong enough for you, just use straight alcohol without the water.)
-Shake bottle before each use as some of the oils will not have mixed into the alcohol.

This recipe works because the alcohol kills the bacteria which is what causes the odour, and the essential oils give your pits a non-pitty smell (and the oils are also anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, etc...).

Like the original (Weleda), this might not last all day if you're sweaty like me, or out gardening, or running around all day in the sun during the summer months, but it's cheap enough to make that you shouldn't mind using it as often as needed. I plan to use the coconut oil in the mornings before I leave the house, and carry this spray on deodorant as a backup!

Happy spraying!

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