Friday, 6 May 2011

Easy and Delicious Mixed Fruit Jam Recipe

Shared By: Visions of Utopia - Relish Yo’ Mama (

Embarking on a mission to “Preserve to Conserve,” the staff at Visions of Utopia thought it best to give jam making a try. We followed some general guidelines given by the Fallen Fruit Collective for their Public Fruit Jam and the instructions on the Bernardin pectin package. The goal of the Public Fruit Jam is to bring people together to create good food through sustainable practices, and foster a sense of community. We certainly had a great time! With no set recipe, just a mixture of fruit brought by different people, here is what we created.

-2 cups mixed berries (we used frozen)
-1½ cups mango
-1½ cups apple
-1 package powdered pectin
-7 cups sugar
-¼ cup lemon juice
-1 tsp lemon zest


-Peel apples and mangoes and cut into small pieces
-In a bowl pour lemon juice and zest onto fruit and stir, then let stand for 1 minute.
-Using a potato masher or back of ladle gently mash fruit.
-Place fruit, lemon juice, zest and pectin into pot and bring to boil over medium-high heat
-Gradually add sugar, making sure that it dissolves
-After all the sugar has been added, bring to boil again, stirring constantly and rapidly boil for 1 minute.
-Pour into sterilized jars and process for 10 minutes in a hot-water bath

Yield: approx. 8 cups

You can check out for more awesome jam and relish recipes. You can also add your own and share the wealth!

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget we are having a Jelly making party...
