Friday 18 February 2011

Homemade Lavender Scented Body Lotion

I originally found this recipe here
But Sabrina wanted something lavender scented so I tweaked Sarah's recipe. Here it is...

Lavender Scented Grape Seed, Sweet Almond and Apricot Oil Body Lotion
1/8-1/4 tsp (less than 1/4 but more than 1/8) borax powder
½  cup water (use lavender water – simmer lavender buds & stems)
½ cup grape seed oil, ¼ cup sweet almond oil, ¼ cup apricot oil
2 Tablespoons grated beeswax
8-10 drops of lavender essential oil

-Mix the borax and hot lavender water, stir until sediments are gone.  
-Mix the oil and beeswax (microwave, or hold bowl with wax and oil over pot of boiling water and stir).
-Pour the water into the blender and while it is on high and add the hot oil in a steady stream. (Try not to spill, what a mess I made!) 
-Blend for 2 minutes until thick and creamy, add essential oil(s) and allow to cool if necessary.  
-(blend a 2nd time if consistency is not to your liking, and then allow to cool again)
- Put that stuff in a bottle with a cover, and enjoy!

I have to give this recipe a whopping 5/5, because it's great! The lotion is a thick and rich, scrumptiously lavender scented, and doesn't leave a lingering greasy feel on your skin.


  1. love this - thanks for posting it!

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